We know there other methods you use to pare down your files - please get in touch if you feel there's any that you can't live without that we should include in this article. As with any memory hungry operation, try to minimize the number of other programs competing for resources.If you still have problems and the machine has been left on for days or weeks then a restart of the machine may also be a good idea. Free NavisExport for Revit 2022 is coming to the Autodesk App Store very soon and only a couple of logistic issues are delaying its release. Autodesk Navisworks NWC Exporter Utility 2021 for AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max, Bentley Microstation, Graphisoft ArchiCAD (free export to. Save the project, restart Revit, reopen the file and try to export. Does Revit needs a restart? If you are working in the application all day and then try to export at the end of the day, you have been potentially caching your project all day.Other things to check if you still have problems exporting After all individual linked models have been purged, purge the main model and try again to export. You may want to open each individual linked file and purge it until there is nothing left to purge this may take two or three passes. You will be able to select which items are Purged before proceeding. You can use the 'Purge Unused' button on the Manage tab of Revit to delete unused families or unused family types from the model.